Okay, so maybe her name isn't Lydia Lou, but doesn't it have a nice ring to it? It's my nickname for her. :) I took these one afternoon when I was visiting Kyra. I was initially sad to hear that Lydia was down for a nap, but my disappointment left when I saw this little angel sleeping.
The Pugmires are friends we have from our ward. I took these one Sunday when they came over for dinner at my parent's house. Aren't they a photogenic couple? :)
I've been dying to take pictures in this cute, little town!! I finally found someone to be my guinea pig...thanks Lynnae! Not only did she pose for me, but she took pictures of me too. Anyways, I think she looks beautiful, but maybe I'm a little biased since she is my little sister. Gotta love family! My next victimn- my sister Kelsi...