Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Okay...very long post. Yes, I know. I've been meaning to put up pictures that I'd taken of my son for awhile. As you can see, this is an accumulation of pictures from different days. And yes, he probably is the most photographed baby ever. I think I've taken more pictures of him in the last 4 months of his life than I've had of me for my whole lifetime. Awe...the joy of digital photography :)


  1. Michelle, he is SO cute! I love the blue eyes (and adorable baby rolls)! : )

  2. He is sooooo dang cute. Man I have some good looking nephews and nieces. He looks so much like you when you were a baby!

  3. Love the baby. Love the pictures! I want you to take pictures of my baby! I wish I was closer to you!!!
